Azamra is part of a new Hebrew College initiative called Innovation Lab which is designed to bring the Torah of HC rabbis into the wider community. To that end, Azamra will be a laboratory of innovation rooted in tradition. Services, led by Rabbi Lev Friedman, will include joyful singing with guitar, meditation, davennen/prayer, storytelling, poetry and teaching. We will meet monthly for Shabbat morning services, including creative Psukei de’zimra, Shacharit and Torah services. The hope is to create a space into which we bring a renewed, heartfelt and meaningful Jewish experience that reflects the needs of spiritual seekers in the 21st century.
Azamra is open to the community. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian Kiddush luncheon.
The dates for the services are: September 28, October 26, November 23, December 21,
2020: January 25, February 22, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 20.
Services will begin at 10AM and go to approximately 12PM, followed by a Kiddush luncheon.
ALL VEGETARIAN PLEASE. Kosher by Ingredients (heksher or made in kosher kitchen NOT required)
Last names beginning with..
A-M - veggie main dish
N-S - salads of all varieties
T-Z - two liters of drinks and one bread or dessert